Archive | April 5, 2013

Running Makes Everything Better

To me, today was a complete affirmation of why I love running, and how it has made me so much happier and more at peace with myself and my life.

It started as a good day. I woke up feeling quite a bit better. It seems the two days of rest and constant fluids had really helped me get over the virus! Thanks doc for the two days sick leave from work! Even though I was feeling better, I wasn’t sure if it would be a good idea to test out how well I truly was by going running before a full day of work. Instead, I let myself have a very luxurious sleep in.

At breakfast, I learned that I’m not a big fan of granola on my cereal. It’s way too sweet. I don’t like sweet things in the morning. I take this as proof that if you start making active changes to your diet and start eating healthier, your tastes really do change! I NEVER craved green vegetables the way I do now, and I used to love sweet cereals in the morning. At that time, I was just happy to have another chance to secretly get some more sugar in my diet without feeling BAD about it (why I thought chocolate cereal for breakfast was a so-called ‘guilt free’ meal, I don’t know).

Things kind of went downhill from there. Work required me to be at an event that was outside. They had us under a tent with fans, but it didn’t do much to mitigate the scorching heat of the day. To add to it, the event did not cater any water at all, only highly sugary fruit punch that didn’t really do much to quench your thirst. Furthermore, the two cafes nearest the event both ran out of ice and cold bottled water before noon. Already hot, thirsty and tired, I was less than thrilled to find out that the company would need me to work all day through saturday and sunday.  I wasn’t doing a very good job of finding the silver lining in situation at that point.

The thing I was most disappointing about losing my weekend was losing the long run and physical training session that I had planned. Being cooped up in bed for two days, all I wanted to do was go out and RUN! So, after I got off work, that’s exactly what I did. I went on a nice long run.

My RunKeeper app gps was totally messed up, and after it told me at 20 minutes (I must have gone no more than 2 miles by that point?) that I had completed more than 6 miles, I gave up on it and kept running without it.

I think I actually enjoyed the run even more without the tracker. My legs were totally fresh after almost a week without running (minus the two miles on tuesday), and I had a lot of things to think through. There is something about running that is highly therapeutic. The world seems to slow down and simplify. You decide how much to let in. If you want, the world can be nothing more than the music in your ears, the path in front of you, and your feet hitting the pavement.

I spent the first two miles getting all of my frustration and pent up energy out. I don’t really think I was actually THINKING about anything at all. I just zoned out and ran until I felt better. By the time I arrived at the Marina, the world was looking beautiful and rosy again, and I decided to take the rest of my time and really appreciate everything that I have here in Singapore.

Sometimes I take this city for granted. It’s truly an amazing, beautiful city. I’m very lucky to have grown up here, and to be able to find a good job that let me return home to Singapore. The weather is always warm and sunny, and even in rainy season it doesn’t rain all day. You can always count on a couple hours of sunshine to brighten your day. At night, the city changes, and another side comes to life. Unlike many cities night life, Singapore’s night life is bright and colorful. Everywhere you go, you see beautiful little colored lights in purple, green, blue, yellow, that cover the buildings, bridges and anywhere else they can think to put them!


As a runner, it’s absolutely amazing! This truly is a RUNNER’s city. At first glance, it may seem like most people don’t exercise and eat way too much heavy, oily, high carb food like Laksa (700 calories per bowl) and Fried Bee Hoon (easily over 500 calories). You wonder how on earth these people are all so skinny! But then you look closer. You pass through the many parks scattered through out the city, go after work to outskirts where most locals live, or walk along the marina in the early morning or late afternoon (before or after work). Suddenly, you will notice that there are runners EVERYWHERE!


I passed by the finish line for the marathon that will be going on this weekend. This is the same place that I finished my first half marathon just last week!

As I ran through the marina tonight, I passed large numbers of my fellow runners, and quite a number of bikers too. We all shared a common passion, and as we ran past each other, we would raise our sweat drenched faces and share a look of understanding and respect. Sometimes, one or both parties may be too lost in their own run to give any more acknowledgment than a look, but as a fellow runner, that look brings me pride and comfort. I may not have a running buddy by my side, but I am part of a very large, active and passionate community!


But the activity does not stop there! At least once on my run tonight, I passed groups that had simply plopped themselves down on the pavement by the marina to do serious ab and cardio workouts. Pumping their legs up and down in scissor kicks, I had the urge to stop and drop down next to them for a couple rounds.


The marina itself is beautiful, and the run back provides many interesting sights. There is no way you could ever get bored running in this city. There is simply too much to see. It may not always be the obvious tourist sights, but Singapore is a city with a lot of character and to really experience the place, you have to get away from the blatant tourist attractions and wander (or in my case RUN) through the streets and absorb the sights! I have decided that if friends ever come and visit me here, I am telling them to bring their sneakers. A running tour of Singapore, especially at night, is an excellent way to experience the city.

If my run wasn’t already great enough, I discovered two new restaurants that I cannot WAIT to check out. One was an Organic Deli & Specialty Shop (SO EXCITED TO TRY THIS!!) and the other was a Fusion Tapas Bar. I would have never seen these places if I hadn’t decided to take a random turn down an interesting looking street! In most places, you’d have to be CRAZY to do so, especially as a young girl running along at night, but in Singapore, I felt completely safe doing so (it was a street with lots of restaurants and people, so I was definitely safe, but still, I doubt you could do that in NYC!). Truly amazing.


By the time I finished my run, it was already about 8pm. I wasn’t very hungry. Event food is always heavier than what I would otherwise eat.


Today’s lunch: vegetarian fried rice, sauteed cabbage and tofu shavings, honey roasted chicken, a small piece of spiced dory (a kind of fish). It was actually really good as far as event food goes! I was really happy that the chicken was roasted and the fish was baked. Both are much healthier cooking methods.

I treated myself to a light and refreshing dinner of Smoothie King Strawberry Extreme: ice, strawberries, papaya juice, orange juice and probiotic powder (you can pick the supplement powder you want to add. probiotics help to strengthen the immune system and therefore seemed like a good idea considering how sick I had been the last few days). I think my body was also just really craving fruit.


I decided to turn my after run treat into a night of treats. I treated myself to a very hot bath, complete with Apple Blossom bath scents and lots of bubbles, while drinking mint tea and reading a few pages of my current book.


It may have only been a Friday night, but I think I got a full Saturday worth of fun in:

  • long 6 mile run
  • smoothie!
  • at home ‘spa’

Proof that you can turn around ANY day and make it into a great one!

It’s now WELL past my bedtime!

Good Night!

Happy Friday!